How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

31 July 2003 - 14:06

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about 10 consecutive days

OK - I found the Rocky Horror Cast pic. You may go here to view. If you wish.

Now then - I have been handed an almighty challenge by the ever insightful Gumper which, quite frankly I have absolutely no chance in hell of completing today. I am working through your questions, some of which may cut a little close to the bone, and will update with answers in the near future. Some I need to be very clear about how I articulate or it could get messy... Now, if THAT doesn't have you intrigued...

*shouts* STOP YAWNING!

Otherwise, whilst chatting to This brave soul, I realised that I have been out for 10 (yes - I was mistaken earlier when I said 7) consecutive nights, including last night. So I have concluded that I am to be a slippers, tea, and TV guy tonight.

Even God rested before I did!

But in figuring out why on earth I would go out on a Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday night, I think I figured it out. I only go to McKibbins on these evenings to see Nicole. And while she is 11 years my junior, she makes me melt...and she knows it. As the great Coldplay once sang:

"Oh no, what's this? A spider web and it's me in the middle."

Still, I am strong in my P-policy:

"Thou shalt not date bargirls."

No wait. Not entirely true.

Thou shalt not date girls who work at your local watering hole

It's not about bar girls.

Ooooh....and I just bought new golf clubs to replace the stolen ones. I feel almost complete again. I realise that there is a certain amount of trust that must be gained. But a few tender moments, perhaps even a night together followed by a telephone call and flowers the next day should do it... And then we shall conquer the golf courses of Qu�bec one.

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