How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

17 June 2005 - 11:46

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about being emotionally intelligent

I'm a pretty straight up kind of guy - at least I like to think so. People tend to know what they get when they meet me.

I don't tend to hold my cards too close to my chest and, more often than not, I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I figure myself to be pretty emotionally intelligent. I understand my own feelings, and do my best to understand others.

I read people pretty well. Normally I know with whom I can push the boat, and what buttons they have - I try to avoid them - especially the painful ones.

But I do like to play the devil's advocate. See 360 degrees. A full perspective. Because that's the way I try to see myself.

If that's possible.

And when I talk to people, I try to see 360 degrees of them too.

180 degrees only shows the facade.

The front.

The mask.

So I ask a lot of questions. Sometimes assuming that because I am open to talk about pretty much anything (communication is good, right?), others will be the same.

I ask questions not to hurt, disappoint or negatively provoke. I ask because I sincerely want to know.

If it's none of my business, then do tell me. I'll accept that. I'll respect that.

I do try to choose my words carefully. I try not to be blunt. Or rude. Or insensitive.

I hate the thought that I might be perceived as that.

Because I think/thought that I am/was emotionally intelligent.

Am I wrong?

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