How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

26 June 2003 - 08:19

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about Paradise Hotel

I caught my first show of "Paradise Hotel" last night. Whatever the hell next?

My room-mate made the comment that there was some dude who said that if Jesus were to come back tomorrow and see what had become of his world he would spend the rest of eternity puking...

His conclusion was that the same could be said for the dude who invented the television. If he came back today and saw what FOX was programming...

That said - I was strangely intrigued...would Dave make a complete ass of himself. Would Charla screw him over? Would Beau and Amanda come to blows (what self respecting parent names their son "Beau" anyway? I mean honestly)... I do happen to think that Charla is a wee hottie though...

*Ugh* I am disgusted in myself.


In other news, it was nice to see Mike Myers being so pro-Canadian last night as he was honoured by the Canadian Walk of Fame - he attributed his entire cinematic success to Canadians throughout the world. Damn Straight. I need say nothing further about the virtues of Shania Twain. She didn't have to say a word!


Did you know that while all of Qu�bec province can turn right on a red light, it is still illegal to do so on the Island of Montr�al? Good thing too... there would be many deaths on the road, as anyone who has ever tried to be a pedestrian in my fair fair city can attest.

"In Montr�al we cannot turn right on a red light...tabernac, we go straight through it


Finally to my new buddy Smellyfinger, the hounds will not run amok in the downtown of the Earlands. Alas I'm not sure they will run amok period. I urge people to go visit this dude and try to figure out what the hell is going on.


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