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17 August 2004 - 10:34

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about scary movies

It's rare that I get excited about movies but yesterday I was informed of this nasty movie and I simply have to go see it.

I am, and always have been a huge fan of the horror genre - not necessarily the slashy gore stuff, but the stuff that genuinely scares you. Stuff with real suspense and the movies that cross a line you didn't know you could...

I'm not even sure what it says about me, being such a fan of these movies... does that make me as twisted? I doubt it... I guess I like to see how much I can scare myself. I also know that I'm drawn to those movies of complete unpredictability. Those are the scariest - whether it stars a psychotic madmad or just the complete unknown - they make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and make me sit on couch with hands on eyes and fingers in ears.

Some people say that nothing is scary any more, that we are all so desensitized by unimaginable things like 911 and Columbine and the such that we forgot how to care... I don't know about that...

Anyway for what ever reason - these are my top ten scary movies in no particular order.

Seven - it's not what you see, it's what you don't - and although the seven deadly sins may have been a litle predictable and thus going against my grain, the final part where Gwyneth's head is revealed is just horrible...

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) - slightly like the above. No gore - and no reality. If only for that scene around the dining room table - its uncomfortable and dark and miserable.

Jaws - I saw this as a kid and was a shark fan forever. Keeps me out of the water still! I mean come on! A huge shark that randomly chomps though people? A marine biologist who's afraid of the water? How can it go wrong??

Friday 13th Part 2 - pre hockey mask madness. Lots of jumps. OK maybe a little predictable...

Hallowe'en 1 and 2. William Shatner-masked maniac stalking babysitters in smallville? Now that's scary!

Nightmare on Elm Street. Original and best. Before Freddy was a cultural comic icon he was one scary dude. Remember is opening appearance coming through the fog with arms extended and scraping along the walls.

House of 1000 Corpses. Just out there! Rob Zombie has no soul! The kind of movie that will keep you away from the deep south. And there's a sequel coming out. Fantastic!!

28 Days Later. Empty hopelessness...and red eyes. JP does a mean �infected� face. It's dark and it's also very uncomfortable. The movie and the face.

Psycho. Anthony Perkins as madmanwomanmother. Shower scene is scary but doesn't compare to the kids trying to get out of the basement. No sir!

Silence of the LambsNot just one madman but two! And Anthony Hopkins manages to be scary even whilst inside a maximum security prison. Oh yeah, and when he peels someone elses face off of his own.

Yep. I likes my scary movies. I like that feeling of helplessness and unbearability. Dunno why. It's exhilarating. It's an adrenaline rush. I pray those things never happen to me.

Oh and just to show how well rounded I really am, I did bubble like a baby at "Love Actually". OK!?!?

Ooooh. Scary movie night at my place... who's in???

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