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5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
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28 June 2005 - 10:30

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about summerwear

Today as I walked thorugh the scorching heat of the Montr�al streets to get to work I couldn't help but notice all the women's summer outfits are out in full force.

Fair play - it's freakin' nearly 40 degrees with the humidex.

I also got the "Whatthef#ckareyoulookingat" look that goes along with it.

Now I know that this gets a lot of press coverage but I wanted to throw my own two pennies worth in...

Back in the day, when I worked with PowerGen in the UK, I used to carpool with a couple of folks on the 1 1/2hr trip to Nottingham. One went by the name of Sue.

Every year, without fail, for the 6 years I worked with her, she would break out the summer wardrobe at the first hint of summer warmth. And it consisted of the usual elements: Skirt of around 12 inches and a t-shirt cut low. Very low.

Every year, without fail, and usually about 3 day's after Sue's annual 'unveiling', there would be a corporate email that would go out defining the corporate standards in dress code. (bear in mind that this was the UK and was a little stuffier than our North American counterparts at the time)...

Every year, without fail, Sue would print out the email, and storm into her managers office for a heated discussion about aforementioned corporate directive.

Every year, without fail, I would secretly root for Sue. She would usually win... she was quite persuasive...

Sue looked good in her summer gear. Why the hell not?

One thing. I was always sure never to be caught staring. I saw the wrath...

Women continue to look good in summer wear. Fashions are colourful and eyecatching. So are the cuts...

People tend to wear clothes that they are comfortable in, right? Clothes that make them feel confident, appealing, eycatching.

We're still pretty basic animals so surely we want to be seen. Or to blend in with the crowd or simply to keep warm...

In the same vein, men are pretty basic creatures too. The straight men are attracted to women. When women unveil and wear something revealing we will look.

Why, then, are we so chastised for it?

I often hear the phrase: "If they didn't want us to look at them they wouldn't wear something like that..." and remember, I'm not talking about a g-string and a wet t-shirt here...

SO I'm going to ask the question.

Do women actually take into consideration the effect that they're wardrobe choice might have their immediate surroundings?

And I'm talking on a day to day basis. (I don't mean for going out to bars and clubs, cuz well *duh* that's obvious)...

If not, should you? At least be aware?? That maybe we, with our basic male hormones will look at you.

We're not picturing you naked. (Even though you might be half way there!!!)

We're not like magpies who see shiney things and then go steal them for ourselves.

We don't turn the corner, start rubbing our knees and talk to ourselves about 'having the pretty lady'.

We look because you look good.

Which surely was the aim of your wardrobe selection in the first place, no?

I get quite put out by the "Whatthef#ckareyoulookingat" look.

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