How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

04 November 2005 - 10:16

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the next big thing

Of all the shows that I am part of during the year, Rocky is always the hardest to come down from.

There are multiple factors.

- It is a show that involves genuine trust, acceptance and a kind of intamacy with all of the people you work with.

- It requires a LOT of energy.

- It has a big audience impact - you make people laugh - you interact with them.

- We gain an hour just as the show starts.

- The leaves start to fall from the trees just after the show ends.. it's very symbolic.

After the show, I get asked a lot: "What's next".

And normally it's bits and pieces - technical gigs and band shows, which is great and fun, but in the hot afterglow of a show like Rocky, never quite seems enough.

And this year, especially, I caught myself thinking that I don't have too many more opportunities. Next year I get married. The year after - kids?

This is not 'man-freak-out'.

It's a slice of reality.

This is growing up and the choices we make.

The adult stuff.

And I wouldn't change that for the world.

And people will tell me that nothing stops because you have kids - you involve them. But the reality is that it does - and I'm OK with that. It means a shift in orientation, that's all. Right?

I checked out The Mirror and The Hour to see what auditions were going on. There were a few, but none that wanted a 30-someting year old.


I just read over this and I sound like I'm having an existential mid-life crisis!! Ha!

Not at all.

There is a point to this.

Insert large dramatic pause here

I always wanted to write a rock musical.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know what you're thinking:

"Here we go again. Another masterplan from the master of procrastinating himself."

But I'm serious.

I wanted to put The Committments on stage. I really did. But without copyright approval (for which I have called and written and received no response) I can't.

So why not go the whole hog and start from scratch. I have so many great, funny, serious, madcap, touching ideas...

But I need a brainstorming partner or partners.

But this is a GO.

Depression over.

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