How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

06 December 2004 - 09:59

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the kids making out

Today's Procrasto. (Actually it was Friday's which I never got around to posting, but the essence remains the same.)

I suspect that La Belle Ginner, Lizerbef, JP, Mysteeeeeeeeeeeeeeria and Jenn all know what I'm talking about...

Yeah. It got Baltic. The kind of Baltic where the only piece of exposed skin is that little sliver that allows you to see. We are all ninjas...

Anyhoo... without getting all into the weather and stuff, coz let's face it, it's an eventuality that will happen regardless, it did force me to catch the metro (underground) today as I had to return a couple of DVD's this morning...(if you haven't seen "Hero" yet, then I suggest you leave NOW and go see it)... which starts me on another mid rant. Those evil bastards from Videotron are actually quite brilliant. They extended the rental period from one full day to two evening, with a return being due by 10am on the second day... "Very generous" was my first thought... but since this new campaign, I have paid late charges on almost every rental I have had. Why? Because I think that psychologically you think on the second evening that you have tomorrow to return the film, which is true, but only until 10am, which, 5 days out of 7 you are working... so you either forget or run out of time. And they know this. Whoever is running Videotron is an evil genius. Probably Mark Burnett.

Anyway. I completely digress... So I am forced into the Metro system at the St Mathieu entrance of Guy and make my way down he stairs (because for whatever reason they can never fix the escalators there), pay my $2.50 and saunter down to the track. As I do, I make the RIGHT turn, to use the lesser used stair case (there ar two) and almost trip over two kids of arond 14-15 years old, making out like it was Valentines day... at 7:55am... so engrossed in themselves and their own spit that they didn't even break for a second to watch as I almost tumbled to my 15000 volt doom. And it struck me that I don't know if I've ever seen or, for that matter, been a part of the pre-8am makeout... I've never been a biig fan of it... I mean - that is the time your mouth should be at it's most fresh and everything, but that little word "residue" lingers. Residue of last nights sleep mouth which, as everyone knows is really not But these kids are going hell for leather at each other sucking face on the steps of the metro and sending unsuspecting morning-mouth haters to their untimely demises...

When was the last time YOU made out before 8.00am?

...and tomorrow I discuss what might constitute the ever-greasy film on all holding poles in the metro.


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