How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

20 September 2004 - 10:55

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the Japanese disaster movie


In a completely narcissistic move, I decided to add a notify list to my page here, so that avid readers may now NEVER MISS AN ENTRY. You know... just in case you didn't notice the whopping great graphic to the left

It will surely give everyone's life new meaning. As you fly to your email inbox, frantically clicking the refresh button, hoping and praying that there is an e-mail message from me to you, telling you that I have updated with life-changing words of wisdom and creativity.

You know you want to.

Perhaps I should change the name to Sarcasto.

Oooh. There's a Japanese disaster movie waiting to happen.

Sarcasto vs Procrasto

I can see the script now...

...hokey jangley music plays as camera pans in to the lair of Procasto, seen scratching his arse and trying to figure out if he can be bothered to go fight crime today or not. He clearly finds the old 1976 copy of Pensioners Weekly more rivetting. Looks at watch. Looks at fridge. Sighs. Continues reading...

Suddenly there is a knock at the door... Procrasto sighs again and heaves himself up and wanders over to the door...

Procrasto: Who is it?

Sarcasto: It's the fucking postman, jackass, who do you think it is?

Procrasto: Whatever...

Sarcasto: Could you BE any ruder, open the door.

Procrasto: but... um... like... I'm totally busy...ah... right now...

Door crashes open and Sarcasto, caped and masked, stands in the doorway... he surveys the mass of pizza boxes, unwashed dishes and littered underwear...

Sarcasto: So this is the Procasto-cave? Like the freakin' Taj Mahal, eh?

Procrasto: Whatever...

Sarcasto: So anyway, I've decided that there is only room enough for one hero in this town, and it's not going to be, like, freakin' Spiderman...

Procrasto: Well, whatever dude, can I reschedule this duel to the death or whatever to like next week or something. I, like, totally other things that I'm...uh...doing...?

Sarcasto: Well aren't you just the Queen of freakin' Sheba...

Sarcasto throws the first punch and the never ending fight sequence begins. Suddenly and without explanation, the two scrappers are each the size of a large building and are continuing their battle through as people scream and point at the combatants.

Finally they both disappear into the ocean creating a tidal wave which runs through the streets somewhere. Lots of little people continue screaming and pointing and running.


um. Yeah. Like that.

So yeah. Sign the notify thing, so you can read more sh*t like this.

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