How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

17 September 2004 - 15:12

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the acknowledgement

It took me an age to figure out an appropriate response. Even if one was required...

I did entertain the thought that there might be a possibility you might find this.

I'm not sure I entertained the thought that you actually would...

Never with the foresight, eh?

Made me realise that there are about 6 entries which are either directly or indirectly about you.

So here you are, the real me... it feels kind of liberating.

SO I respectfully shake your hand and nod back.

Thanks for being so gracious.

For what it's worth, I'm still horribly ashamed. But better for it. Life is good.

I still love my Habs and quoting pop culture. Could I BE any more predictable?

My Russian spy days are over, comrade!

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