How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

09 September 2004 - 10:15

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the answers

From Misstrelizerbef

1. If you had a choice between saving your family from financial ruin or saving a small country from bankruptcy and famine, which would you choose?

Hmmm. Tough call. The real question, of course, is where lies my social conscience? Alas, I am of the firm belief that an injection of cash would not be the saviour of any wee land facing bankruptcy... Anyway, that's what the UN is for. Right. Nope I would opt to restore those who put me where I am. Those closest to me. No question.

2. What are your thoughts on open relationships?

Is this a trick question? My view is that if you're in a "committed" relationship, then that's what it is. Committed. Solidified. Unbreakeable. Open relationships are for the people, I assume, who like to like in the 'now'. Who like to experience things on their own terms, consequence free. Problem is that everything has consequences to a large degree. I don't think you can live in the 'now' and then just walk away, when it comes to relationships. And what are the boundries of open relationships? Are there any? Can they truly be 'relationships'? Maybe it's cuz I'm a sensitive kind of guy who's learned from his own mistakes and indiscresions, but I see nothing but a world of eventual pain in these scenarios. I imagine it to be wholly unsatisfying. And I haven't even touched on that old bastard "trust"...

3. Why are dogs (Chows especially) so much better than cats?

That's just arse. I mean, will dogs stalk you mercilessly before leaping fom a darkened doorway to latch onto your bare leg as you go for a midnight pee? Hell no? Do dogs shit in your house and then expect you to pick it up or they'll have a flounce attack and piss on the floor in front of you just to spite you? Hell no. Will your oh-so-precious Chow rip the living hell out of every toilet roll left unattended and leave it spread across your living room as it'sown decorative touch? No. Does the Chow wake you up at 5:22am evey morning without fail by randomly knocking things off your bedside dresser until you pay him some attantion, only to the begin the gradual shredding of your hand? I doubt it. And yet you ask me. YOU ASK ME! Which is better? The one that keeps me sharp of mind and sharp of reaction. The one that I know is watching. The one who stalks it's prey before unleashing it's own brand of SHOCK AND AWE! The one who makes me scoop it's piss and shit. Because he has me wrapped around his little claw. And I didn't see it coming.


Seeing as I didn't receive any other questions, that will have to do for now.


This made me chuckle today too...

Maybe it's the rain and interminable greyness, but I feel today is going to be a very long and uninspired day.

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