How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

03 September 2004 - 15:01

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about me.

Inspired by Misstress's outburst of truth I thought I would do something similar. And will probably come off looking like a non-assertive, passive aggressive nonce. But whatever.

I am not power hungry. Don't crave it, don't need it.

I am, on occasion, the most powerful person in a room. All eyes on me. And I will react. I will take the bull by the horns. But that's a persona. When I'm on stage with the band, I will look at you like you aren't there. And you'll love it.

I'm not outspoken. I will digest what people say, and take my time in doing so.

I am not a reactionary. People will always get a third, fourth or fifth chance with me. But when I walk away, I'm gone.

I care what people think about me. Possibly too much. I do want to be liked. I want to be respected more.

Sometimes I don't have a considered opinion. And that's OK. Because my opinions take time to form. When they come, they are normally reasonabley thought through.

I will always play the devils advocate. More often than not, with myself. It's what makes me a good educator.

I will call you on your actions. I will not tolerate blatant rudeness or ignorance.

Yet I will be sarcastic. But I won't put you down with it.

I am self depricating. But I don't want your sympathy.

I am independant, but I need your love.

I try to learn from my mistakes. Evaluate and accept them.

I believe that etiquette is a life code. Most of it. Apart from ridiculous, outdated dinner rules and the such.

I have been known to judge people by the way they dress. I get over it.

I love surprises. Sometimes even the bad ones. It maintains the balance.

I am flexible in how I build rapport with people. I like that I have a diverse circle of friends. There are some I never want to meet.

I have highs, I have lows. I make it to the other side and relish the next challenge. I try not to ride on the backs of others, but welcome a helping hand.

I have an addictive personality. I sometimes drink too much. I sometimes smoke too much. Gambling scares me. Drugs scare me.

Having power within gives me confidence to take on the world.

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