How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

04 August 2004 - 12:06

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the dream which became reality which became nonsense

Have you ever got up to go for a pee in the middle of the night, not quite in a complete state of consciousness, or still in a semi state of dream only to fully regain state of awareness and wonder where on earth you are, and how the hell you got there?

This happened to me the other night - I was having a horrible dream that I was being held captive in some psycho's house in the deep south and that I was being kept in a dark barn or something while the madman decided what to do withm me. (I know... these scenarios normally are about nubile young blondes who can scream a lot - not 33 year old men who pee in the middle of the night - let's get past that).

So I turn around after the deed is done and that's when I wake up. Except I don't know I've woken up, because I didn't switch the light on so I was in absolute pitch black, with the exception of a sliver of light coming from the almost-closed door.

Now this was worse, because I was fully conscious, but convinced that I was still trapped within my nightmare. So I stood perfectly still for about 10 minutes without making a sound. Trying to adjust my eyes to the dark so I could get some bearings. Which I couldn't.

Then the cat started purring.Which to me sounded like a freakin' chainsaw in the distance and I was beginning to freak out... so I sat down. On the bathroom floor. and tried to figure out how the hell I was going to overcome my nemesis...

The the cat brushed past me and I jumped about 10 ft up in the air and landed on my feet with my hands in the sink.

Only then did I realise where I was. And strangely that's when the shadows disappeared and I could see reasonably clearly.

I tell you, it was the MOST bizarre experience...

No really it was.


And from what I could see afterwards - I did manage to hit the bowl without splashing once.

Good job...

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