How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

28 July 2004 - 14:24

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about Trojan Magnum condoms.

�Hold the Press�

Two entries in one day?

OK � this one sucks � so you should probably go back one.

Wait� that sucks too.

Oh well� thanks for stopping by�

So I was just snooping in my bag for my cigarettes, in the middle of the office, when, lo, out fell 3 Trojan Magnum condoms, singularly wrapped.

As handed out on the street yesterday.

Which made me chuckle.

Because, unless I am condom illiterate, the aforementioned Magnums are designed specifically for men of �well-endowed� status.

It made me chuckle, because as I walked down the street with my ex-roommate Barry, he graciously accepted the sheath and then started reading. Then squealed when he realized that he was not sufficient enough to use it.

So he put them in my bag.

But then took one back so he could try it last night.

Thing is that I know his girlfriend is away at kid�s camp (she�s a camp leader, you sickos), and his roommate is in Seattle. And that he also has no access to other female action.

Only himself�



Must be a fun social study though to watch the reaction of guys as they walk down the street and realize that they have been given the Titanic for their wee sailboats�

Hell, maybe it�s a ego-boost.

Ah. Us men and our precious, fragile ego�s.

Thing is, they weren�t being handed out by Catherine Zeta Jones�

More like Fred Grimes the local chip fryer�

I don�t know whether to be flattered or horrified.

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