How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

14 April 2004 - 08:18

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about following my bliss

"Follow your Bliss."

I have that fridge magnet on

Found myself staring at it the today. I also heard it in a movie this week - can't for the life of me remember which one, but whatever....

"Follow your Bliss"

I mean, I understand what it means... but it does have me thinking... just what in the great big world of moo would that be?

I had a short conversation with J this morning who said that her bliss is to inspire others. She, of course, does this on a daily basis and doesn't know it... or she does and wants to take it to a completely different level... But then, after she left I found myself staring at the magnet.

"Follow your Bliss"

Like an epiphany in some Tom Hanks movie.

How many times have we thought we were already there? In our eternal blissful existance, where nothing can touch us, and where we all make a difference? Because don't we all want to make a difference at least on some level? I am an educator at heart - it's what I have always done and the reason I went into it was to make that 'difference', in that youthful rose-tinted glasses kinda way. It's true, through time, that evaluation and re-evaluation have removed the tints or dulled them somewhat, but that's natural and as intelligent people it's an important process. Nevertheless I am still passionate about the education process. Is it my bliss? I don't think so. I didn't become a teacher as trained. I managed people. I just used the people skills I learned as a educator.

Since I was laid off, I have devoted a great deal of time into meeting people who may potentially may open up doors to their corporation where I can use these skills. Is that following my bliss? I definately don't think so...

I do know that in order to offset the rejection and the pain that comes with this state of "in between" limbo, I have invested a huge amount of energy into my little theatre production company... Sure, it's a creative outlet, but I'm finding that I'm out there doing somuch more than just being creative. Like marketing. And Negotiating.

And Raising Cold Cash.

Not that this is all it's about. It's not.

There is some irony in the fact that I am willing to invest all this energy into something I won't gain a penny from but so as to raise a bundle for a little theatre company.

I have a meetfing this afternoon with Club Cabaret to negotiate their space for this year's "Rocky Horror Show".

Followed by a getting together of comedic improvisers for this weekend's fundraiser that I organised.

All for naught?

I don't think so. This is something I'm good at. This is something I believe in. This is something that is what ol' Procrasto is all about...

And now that ol' EI has finally kicked in (as of today) I can write the songs, write the scripts, and produce the shows I always wanted. I can inspire people to do it. I can give the opportunity to do something different.

I can make a difference.

And all the while follow my damn bliss.

I am NOT driftwood.

So there.

I need some breakfast...

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