How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

02 October 2003 - 13:57

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the end of an era

I broke my 13 year non-vomit record this morning.

It stood since 1990, when, on a small path behind Durham Cathedral, I hurled violently, ridding myself of vast quantities of Red Label Thunderbird. And I needed assistance that night. See it was a conscious decision that my buddy Adam and I had made after a wild house party.

Knowing that we were absolutely sauced, and that there would be pain tomorrow, we decided to eject the evil from our systems. So I tried the old "Two fingers down the throat" trick with little success.

Adam, however was ultimately more successful and let out a stream of red liquid. A little like the dying dude in "Cabin Fever".

That was all the inspiration I needed. I vehemently followed suit...

And then we felt all sobered up, so we went back to the party and woke up feeling like poo!

And so it stood for 13 years. El Vomito and I remained strangers...

Until this morning when, whilst brushing my teeth, it just came. Like a Tsunami. And all over the bathroom mirror.

Heh. That'll be fun for my room-mate to discover.

Now, now...I'm kidding. Of course I cleaned it up...

It did raise a question however:

How come, when vomiting, it never swishes around in your mouth? I mean - it barely touches the sides as it explodes from your innards. And how come you don't actually feel it rush up in the way you do when you eat and you feel food going down?

It all seems so new and exciting to me...


Oh....and potential for Montr�al Mel�e part Deux tomorrow evening? Spread the word. I shall co-ordinate from Mel�e HQ, right here!

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