How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

01 October 2003 - 11:04

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about sudden changes

It's funny, eh? How things can shift from one extreme to another in a flash.

In January I went to South Africa on bizniss and left cold, cold, cold Montr�al in temperatures pushing -40 degrees with wind chill. Poor me! So I jumped on a British Airways flight - and within 24 hours I was exiting said 'plane to temperatures of +35 degrees.

People - that's a shift of 75 degrees. Only 25 more would have made the difference between ice and boiling water... and for some reason that blows my mind.

Aaaaaaanyway... that is just an analagy.

See I am normally an exceedingly confident person. No wallflower. I may not need to be the centre of attention - but I'm not always backward in coming forward (which is funny now I think about it, because that was one of my first captions upon joining DL)... you get the idea.

It's altogether hilarious that when placed next to cute girl from 4th floor in line for sandwich, I finally make eye contact and smile. And she smiles back... which is cool. I was about to make my first humerous quip of the day... something 'sandwich line-up' related to make her laugh - when sandwich guy decided that that was the EXACT moment he wanted to take my order.

GONE in a flash is smoothe, debonair P, and what is left is naked feeling P who's French language skills have deserted him completely. And for no reason...

What is left is a spluttering, franglais P who, in his ultimate wisdom, decides that shouting and pointing is the best way to get his message across.

What is left is flustered P feeling the sweat build on his forehead.

And people begin to stare.

Cute girl from the 4th floor looks at the floor and clearly s embarrassed that she made that initial eye contact. I think she thinks that she will forever be associated with the moment.

I pay up and make some smartass remark about it not being my day but I am blanked.

So I scuttle away like a crab to hide under the rock from where I came.

And write about it.

Which, now I come to think about it, may be equally as disturbing.

But not as disturbing as Australian-Street-Guy who was standing at the street corner, all grime and beard, wearing some Titanic-esque ball gown and proclaiming to the world as it passed him by that he was actually a woman inside.

"Tragic", I think best describes it.

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