How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

02 September 2003 - 15:53

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the move

Diary of a removal man!

Having procrastinated for FAR too long, I woke up Saturday morning with slight hangover and stared at the bombshell of a room and apartment in front of me. And was horrified. I hate that feeling of complete awe and trepidation at the sheer volume of the task at hand. A task with so many sub tasks that there are no starting points. No tangible points of entry�

One of the main things I learned though the process is that I am incredibly GOOD at moving objects from one space to another in an apparent attempt at �organization�. And I am also incredibly good at diverting my attention away from the task at hand so as to start another one which, for some inexplicable reason, seems ultimately more pressing than the one before. Needless to say that by the time my first carload was done, the apartment looked exactly the same as it did 3 hours earlier. Minus the easily packed things; Iron, golf clubs, stereo, guitar � you get the picture� so after first run, I realized that it was DEFINITELY time for a break and promptly fell asleep on the couch.

Only to be woken up by Barry (roommate) reaching for the remote control and switching on the golf�

So we discussed strategy and decided that the best plan of attack was to get everything is a state where come 9:30am Sunday, when we picked up the van, everything would be bagged and boxed and ready for the off. Down four flights of stairs. And then back up two�

So we watched the golf.

And then the MTV Video Music Awards.

And finally started to work seriously at around 11.00pm.

At 3.00am I passed out on couch�

12 hours later and we were in� along with ALL of my sister�s gear. Which pissed me off NO END. She had literally done nothing with her stuff � there was no space� she had deposited clothes and various bits and pieces ALL over the place.

Again with the rage. It�s a damn wonder I didn�t turn green and start throwing things. I mean � how selfish can one girl be? She knew I was arriving and did NOTHING to aid. And without being materialistic about it � I had shelled out $1200 that day for the privilege to be there�

She came home later that day and complained about the mess.

I almost told her to take her shitty mess and get out then. Almost.

I really don�t know why I put up with her bullshit. I know � she�s my sister � but when she lays down the incessant emotional blackmail not only on myself but my parents it really drives me mad.

�and so I have slept on a mattress on the floor for the past two nights. Welcome to your new home�

�and well on that bombshell �I am going to be out of here for the next three weeks. Can you hear the drone of the pipes? Can you feel the wind of the links on your face? Can you taste the Haggis? I can.

And as potentially unqualified as I am � I am to be my brother�s best man at his wedding. I won�t let him down. I will be proud. I expect even to shed a tear. There is some wonderful symmetry or karma or yin-yang quality about all of this. I leave one hellish situation to go to something for which I�m already smiling.


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