How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

10 August 2003 - 14:43

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the "moment of truth"

The Montr�al Mel�e. Never has a name lived up to it's title so well...

...and it started so conservatively with a worthwhile discussion about the pifalls of complimenting women blindly and gradually descended into my own Kilkenny blindness. All the DL's who made it were pretty fine folks... I may have let the side down somewhat, by my own drunken rambling... but it was a fine event. I stopped in at McKibbins last night on my way back from seeing Def Leppard, and every single bar staff member had words to say! It's nice to feel the concern and the love. Needless to say - I would thoroughy endorse an event of this type again. Really.

Main purpose of this entry is to explain what happened a little after.

I went to house party that I'd been invited to in the hope of catching up with aforementioned gorgeous Nicole. In hindsight I was obviously not in any real state to go find her and have any real type of conversation. Still. I was a man on a mission. I drew up (in taxi) to the apartment and was welcomed vociferously by the group of people outside. Most of whom I knew.

And lo from the apartment door, I see Nicole, seeing me. Which, as usual gives me the warm glow of any guy who is obviously infatuated...!!!

So yadda yadda, we sit down and get to talking. About life the world and everything...and at that time, I decide to go for broke and tell her everything that I think about her...because you don't think that I hadn't rehearsed all of this in my head a thousand times?

While sober.

I guess things down't always translate so well under my circumstances, and while I as wearing my heart very much on my sleeve, I was obviously talking out of my ass. I'm pretty sure that my finely scripted prose did not come out as intended.

The rest is hazy. I don't recall getting home. I do recall waking up fully clothed and in some pain yesterday. I called and left message asking her to call me, but she didn't. And I know that I'll see her tonight. All I want is to erase that apparant "moment of madness" or realistically..."moment of truth". Coz that's what it was. I said nothing but things I meant. Every word. I just articulated like a bumbling idiot. And now things will be wierd.

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