How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

08 August 2003 - 10:23

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the links

"What's the difference between a bad golfer and a bad skydiver? One goes *Thwack*...."Shite" and the other goes "Shite".........*Thwack*......"

I was the former yesterday... but, man, did I luck out with the weather... see Montr�al has been a sea of humidity, rain and thunder and lightening. (Sorry Hamsta I tried to send 'em Chicago way...but they keep coming back.) And we're back to the low lying foggy humid crap which, as Ladyjanie said I could "suck through a straw".

Came back today to a slew of "Analmag" messages, even though I sent a note requesting that all communications be diverted to my personal email...HA! Strangely this entry seems to have inspired a number of you into evil thought process. Yeah - I'm talking about Kimmy and more worryingly the yummyhot, but obviously tainted Appleblowpop. Don't worry sweetheart. It's perfectly normal. *pulls face*.

After a 3 day McKibbons hiatus, I returned in all my glory to see the very edible Nicole and cohorts. Suffice it to say that my level of godliness has been restored to it's natural balance. I did not have to resort to the mighty Gumspter's method of catbagging to redress the balance. Shame on you!

Of course tonight is the Miraculous Montr�al Mel�e Madness event to beheld at said establishment... I fear it's outcome. Especially with Misstress and Vbitch and their nonstop discussion about the virtues of pornstar boobs. They should hook up with The well stacked Liquidhuman. Cheap...I know...Oh and I fear because of the sheer unknown. And yet I am somewhat intruiged. There may be pain tomorrow. Much pain.

I have also discovered that Diaryland is a lot like looking into a mirror. There are images and names that remind you of you. Poppy is the only girl I ever heard of who is called Poppy. Except for an ex-girlfriend. Who broke my heart. (Don't worry, P. You are FAR too adoreable to give me those "negative memories"! *mwah*). And then there's Finn who I swear is actually me. Or the quirky, yet eloquant Glitterqueen who has the same thought process, only better articulation!

So I'm sure you've realised by this time, that my entry is DAMN shallow and lacking in any real content so I say this in true SmellyFinger fashion. "My purpose is to expose the fish in this flatbread of mediocrity".

Or to reference all the people who read this, make comment and brighten up my day on a daily basis!

Cheers - and happy Friday.

Oh and a big "UP" to Yelayna and Nova for adding me to their favourites! Cheers!


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