How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

04 August 2003 - 10:49

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about godliness.

Now then, now then.

I have spent all this weekend, it seems, in suit and tie and in church. Catholic church.

It should be pointed out that I was christened a protestant 28 years ago... and have barely been to church since. Other than weddings, christenings and occasionally christmas. And it's not because I have any great disdain for any things religious...(actually, I think there are some, good strong lessons to be learned), it's just not a part of my life. So to do two days in a row for two of the three reasons above comes somewhat as a culture shock...

I was asked to reject the Prince of Darkness.

Ozzy Osbourne? Never.

Churches also do not generally have air conditioning. And in this humidity, I did wonder if in fact I was being punished right there and then for my sins by burning from the inside out.

All that said, I was there for a reason. I saw my good buddy Eric and his beautiful bride Marisa get married. And it felt very special. I was there at Eric's birthday dinner when he asked Marisa to marry him. I was considered part of the inner sanctum for his bachelor party. He was one of my first friends upon returning to Montr�al. So it felt significant. And I, like most others, was a little misty-eyed through the whole thing.

And I saw my wee first cousin get baptised. The wee man didn't so much as flinch as the water trickled over his face. He gurgled and laughed through the ceremony. Everyone smiled.

So if this whole church thing brings you closer to your family and friends once in a while, perhaps in not such a bad thing.

Still - I feel like I need to redress the balance by doing something absolutely unholy!

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4 Days to go.

McKibbins Pub.

Bishop Street



Oh, and in my last entry, I did ask the question "Is not being the 'bad boy' considered unattractive or boring?"

Really, I want to know.

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