How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

23 July 2003 - 12:19

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about Boy meets Girl

I have a propensity for really screwing things up when I meet a girl I genuinely like. I don't know if this is a male trait or whether it's just a Procasto speciality...

Here's the latest scenario

Boy (that's me) meets Girl...

Boy likes Girl...

Seemingly Girl likes Boy

Boy makes Girl laugh

Boy asks Girl if she's like to go out.

Girl accepts

Boy jumps up and down and claps hands inside own head.

Boy gets number and places in wallet.

Next day or day after, boy goes back to wallet.

Boy calls number.

Boy and Girl make plans

Boy and Girl go on date which is absolutely marvellous.

Girl tells Boy that she wants to see Boy again.

Boy concurs

Girl insists Boy call her

Boy concurs

Boy gets two cheek kiss and one full frontal for his troubles

Boy jumps up and down and claps hands in his head

Boy dutifully and excitedly calls number next day

Boy gets Answer machine.

Work Answer Machine.

Work Answer Machine that explains that Girl is on vacation for the next 2 weeks.

Boy leaves message regardless.

Boy confused as to why vacation never mentioned.

Boy wonders why girl didn't give home number.

Boy calls Mutual Friend for home number.

Mutual Friend gives Boy, Girls home number.

Boy calls Girl.

Girl answers

Girl upset that Boy called home.

Girl does not give reason for her being upset.

Boy asks why Girl didn't mention vacation

Girl mumbles incoherently

Boy says that if this is a subtle hint then it could be taken.

Girl gets annoyed

Girl puts phone down

Boy never hears from Girl again.

Boy is confused.

Boy ensures that number is not stored in cell phone for future drunken late night calling.

Damn... I thought that this girl was really nice...and was all excited about seeing where it would go. It's just damn disappointing.

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