How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

18 July 2003 - 14:59

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the loss of balance

Oooh!! Yesterday I had the most bizarre experience.

I got up at 6.00 to prepare for my 7:00am conference call with ZE GERMANS...and realised that I had lost all sense of balance. I felt drunk as a skunk, but without the warm fuzzy feeling. There was no fuzziness, and allsenses were really sharp, except I had lost all balance...and when I say that, I mean ALL sense of balance. When I rose from my tartan covered bed, I fell over. Couldn't even fight it...

So I staggered to my feet and had to hold onto the walls to make it into the living room where I promptly collapsed on the couch, where luckily I had placed all relevant documentation for the call along with the telephone. So I finshed the call and tried to rise again...only to fall across the coffee table onto the wooden floor.

Which hurt poor ol' Procrasto. In the groin area.

So I lay on the floor for a wee while and decided to crawl to the shower, which I considered might to me some good. Like the magic sponge in professional sport. Turned on shower and climbed in. And fell over again....and by now was getting REALLY pissed off. It was the most bizarre shower I think I ever had. (Save the time the power went off whilst in there - that was wild too)... and needless to say did nothing for my off-kilter existance. So I spent the entire day spread out on the couch watching the Open golf and complaining to myself that US TV gave us Canadians NOT ONE MINUTE of Mike Wier coverage.

Only 6 hours later and a bowl of chocolate frozen yoghurt seemed to make the dizziness pass.

It was very disturbing though. Really it was. Random falling on the ground is not a fun thing. It hurts the knees and the groin area.

My friend Annabel sent this to me today. She told me it was very liberating. I question the sanitary aspects of the whole deal. But what do I know? I pee in waterfalls.

Happy Friday. *Peace*

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