How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

07 July 2003 - 16:12

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about snakes and dreams

I hate snakes. I was in Vermont at the weekend visiting my gay aunts new place in the country, I just about trod on a GARGANTUAN garter snake. I swear it was about 5 feel long and had a circumference of about 8 inches... so it slithered away and then turned and eye-balled me! Needless to say, I turned and ran with my hands inthe air like a girl (sorry girls - nothing meant by that) leaping through the meadow and watching each foot land - expecting a sea of vipers to be waiting...

I love going to the country. I sleep like a baby and it's awesome to wake up and not hear the sound of sirens and general hubub. I live downtown in Montr�al, and so there is ALWAYS something going on... not so in sleepy midstate Vermont. (Although I have to say that a I was driving down there in the Red Z, I couldn't help think of the movie "Wrong Turn"...)

The other thing about the country air is that it gives you really fucked up dreams.

Last night I dreamt I was at the fiery gates of hell with Saku Koivu in a 1969 Corvette trying to justify my entry to the Hell Casino (Hell in my dream was a Casino). Thing is that Saku justified his entry by recreating a dirty cross-check using a video game...(Although we all know that Saku will NEVER go to hell. He is already a god.) I stuttered and stammered and woke up in a cold police cell, chained, witha female work colleague, who I detest, as my cell mate.

Very screwed up.

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