How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

22 May 2003 - 16:52

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the Cell Phone

Crap - sometimes I get drunk with friends...especially when there is a big soccer match on the TV and I'm at Champs bar...

Every cell phone should have a breathalizer... and should shut down if too much alcohol is detected...

Is there any wonder I haven't had a date in a year and a half??

insert self depricating comment here

I met a guy who works for the "Hour" arts paper yesterday. I bitched at him for not printing my stellar review of the Jimmy Swift Band's gig at Club Swimming a few months ago. He told me it's because they don't do that....and that it's probably sitting at the bottom of someone's bin. Fuckin' eh? He told me to send my reviews to the Mirror and then said "Good luck with that..." Patronising little 'roach...

Anyways I met with the lovely Kate for a drink a couple of days ago...and I haven't laughed my ass off for so damn long. I told a million stoopid stories and had a great time... She is a yoga teacher - which means she is bendy I guess...make what you will of that...

I heard a great joke yesterday:

What's the difference between Mick Jagger and a Scotsman?

One says: "Hey You - get off of my cloud..." and the other says "Hey McLeod - get off of my ewe"...

I'm still chuckling...

Remind me to tell Kate...and do the Mick Jagger moves...oh well perhaps not really....but it does add to maybe...

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