How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

05 April 2004 - 09:15

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about the tests from above

Am I being tested? Is the BORG looking down from his/her high tower and looking for a candidate to be abused?

I got up this morning fully expecting to be looking forward to two things:

The Habs opening playoff game here in Montr�al, and my first EI payment so that I can start paying off those high winter bills.

Strike one: The Habs playoff opener is Sunday April 11th. Easter Sunday. When I am in Toronto. Isn't that the kick in the testicles. Not only missing the game, but missing it because I am in, of all the godforsaken places on earth, Toronto.

Strike two: I log onto my online banking system to go pay aforementioned bills to see a big fat $0 has been deposited. I pull out a letter I received from HRDC from which I will now quote:


"A balance of $xxx is allocated to the week of March the 8th 2004. Once you are eligible for benefits, you will have a two week waiting period during which no benefits can be paid to you."

Fine. I waited my two weeks and filed for period 8th-22nd March.

SO why the the wild blue hell when I call the HRDC call center today do I get some snotty, teenage rookie telling me that I have to wait until I FILE AGAIN to receive any monies on April 13th??? AND should I really be subjected patronizing of biblical proportion because this is, of course, MY FAULT for being an unemployed BUM?

HRDC really needs to work on training their staff on a little bit of empathy. Don't they GET that this process of constant rejection is not an easy one? And that their dismissive attitude is yet another blow and form of rejection to add and compound to the gabillion others before it? For christsakes... I'M ONLY TRYING TO RECLAIM EI DOLLARS THAT I PAID WHEN I WAS WORKING... and have fallen into some Nazi, Draconian parallel hell...

...and to be told that that's the way it is, when I have a letter in black and white ink which states something very different drives me insane. Maybe I really am THAT stupid...

You know....I really needed those tickets... I really needed something to look forward to, y'know?? I feel so damn emotionally unstabe... and it was the one thing I was genuinely excited about. As shallow as that may be...

I feel like Michael Douglas in "Falling Down".

Watch the news, kids... strike three might be a prison cell on Guy Street.

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