How to make a procrasto
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts brilliance
3 parts leadership
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

02 February 2004 - 13:10

"A super hero for the kids in the bottles..."

The one about my resum�

So that�s it.

I got my new scrummy �pooter and I am ready to update with satyrical comment and observation. Ready to tell stories once again of the day to day humdrum that is ol� Procrasto�s life... ready to cast judgement upon those who I determine are deserving of it. Willing to live the life of Reilly, safely tucked behind the screen of this monitor, a mystery voice in the internet void.

And I�ve got nothing.

Ha... no seriously, I�m reworking the resum�...I�m on version 7.312 at the moment and find it really tough to be a shameless self promoter.

Actually - that�s not entirely true - on a face to face basis, I am very confident in how I express myself... yet on the printed sheet which a prospective future employer will doubtless file and refer to in the unlikely event that you may land on water, or require some kind of skills validation, the promotion aspect seems so much more formal. It�s timeless and cast in stone. Ready and very able to be used as evidence against you.


I don�t think so.

Theory states that I can list all the accomplishments of my young professional life in a positive and well constructed fashion - using words like �successfully� and �effectively� and this is enough to make said prospective employer jump out of his or her seat and summon me directly.

Reality states that there are 100 others who use exactly the same words, and that the employer spins a wheel of fortune in deciding who to interview. I know. I�ve done it.

So while I have the superlative adjectives and adverbs kicking off virtually every line, I feel I need something to make my future boss reach for the direct-line Procrastophone.

Then again - I�ve been looking at these words and changing them for what seems like forever so they seem so damn banal and lifeless. Really? I am confident that I have a strong resum�, some great experience and the absolute ability to back up my claims in an articulate fashion should an interview be offered...

Ha...listen to me pep-talking myself up...

�Go get �em tiger�

I could still use some interesting and unique/little used superlatives.

Any suggestions?

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